WDI - Working with decorators in JavaScript 

Hello there, fellow programmers! We are going to explore the fascinating realm of JavaScript decorators today. These are an effective tool that a developer can use to improve and modify class declarations and properties. We'll get into the practical side of using decorators in this blog, covering their use, functionality, and how they can infuse some magic into your JavaScript code.

Implementation of Decorators

Decorators are are functions that receive information about the decorated element and return a modified version of it. Let's explore this with a simple example:


In this example, the simpleDecorator function is applied to the ExampleClass, allowing you to perform actions or modifications within the decorator.

Chapter 2: Practical Use Cases for Decorators

Use Case 1: Logging Decorator for Methods

Imagine you want to log every method call within a class for debugging purposes. A logging decorator can be handy:

In this example, the logMethods decorator logs information before and after the method execution.

Use Case 2: Validation Decorator for Properties

Suppose you want to ensure that a property meets certain validation criteria. A validation decorator can be employed:

In this example, the validateProperty decorator ensures that the price property is a non-negative number.

Chapter 3: Advanced Decorator Concepts

Chaining Decorators

Decorators can be chained, allowing you to apply multiple decorators to a single element. Here's a quick example:


In this example, the sayHello method is adorned with both the uppercase and exclamation decorators.

Decorators for Classes

Decorators can also be applied to entire classes. Here's a brief example:

In this example, the addPrefix decorator adds a prefix to the getFullName method of the Person class. Learning and making these concepts stronger is not a piece of cake. Thus, going with proper guidance is an ideal option. Join professional Web Design Training Institute in Rohini to master the programming language JavaScript.

Not only this, enrolling in advanced JavaScript Course in Rohini is also highly recommended.

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